My heart skipped a beat and my flashed open in an instant the moment my phone rang. Damn I hate that sound. Then I checked and it was only 7:45 and I stumbled around to find my phone as I was still a blur piece of shit. To my surprise, I got a message from the monkey.
Heres what happened. After the Genting trip, I had like over 400 pictures from everyone's camera and after updating the blog, I had nothing else to use it for already and so I thought I tried my luck in the Star Newspaper Thumbnails Contest which could win me RM50 and Rm50 is better than zero!! So 2 days ago, I asked Monkey (valerie) to help me post one picture which was this picture.
And I posted this piture of the bear as it freaked some kids out by looking like a stupid crack whore! Anyways, after submitting those photos, I didn't pay much attention to it already because honestly, I didn't think we could win and we DIDN'T but it was fun =) After replying a fe messages, I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't sleep because Valerie only said we were in it and when I asked, she didn't know if we won. Dooopit Leilei =P and after like 20 minutes of tossing and turning, I finally gave in to the urge and went to get a copy of the star (at that time, I still didn't know if we won)
At the mart, I grabbed a copy of the papers and turned to the page where the photos are usually posted and I couldn't help but to burst out in laughter.
Johnson, Dennis, Ben
IT REALLY GOT INTO THE PAPERS!!! althought we didn't win, its still funny to see that they actually post something like that.
Beautiful Bed is the caption and damn Star Newspaper, should have at least posted our names right!
I am infact a bit disappointed at the fact we didn't win because me, Johnson and Ben DID spend the night out there!!! this was no pose ok and the winner is some accident shit! This leads to my next question. WHY do pictures of accidents always win??? no offence to the people who were involved, but hey!! it happens all the time!! this damn article is about something you dont see everyday. You see accidents every god damned day!! and the winners seemed to be majoritized by photos of accidents OR motorcyclist! Come on Malaysia, you can do better than that. And dear The Star Newspaper, if you're reading this and I hope you are, Let something other than the usual win!!! thank you and have a nice day =D
ps: if you want to see the original pictures, e-mail me or read Genting Trip day 3